Visits: 74970 Saint John Chrysostom Parish, West Roxbury, Massachusetts, USA

Masses at Saint John Chrysostom

Regular Mass Schedule

Sunday Liturgy

Sunday Masses
Saturday 4:00pmMass
9:30amMass also LiveStream on Facebook and our YouTube Channel at 9:30am

Daily Liturgy

Weekday Masses
Monday8:30amMass at Saint Theresa Avila
Tuesday4:30pmMass at Saint John Chrysostom
Wednesday8:30amMass at Saint Theresa Avila
Thursday4:30pmMass at Saint John Chrysostom
Friday8:30amMass at Saint Theresa Avila
Saturday8:30amMass at Saint John Chrysostom

Holy Days of Obligation

Check the parish bulletin for changes to this planned schedule.
7:00pm on the eve
4:30pmthe Holy Day
Note: Alternate times may be decided.


Saint John ChrysostomSaturday 9:15 - 9:45am
Saint Theresa of AvilaThursday 6:30-7:00pm
Boston Holy Days of Obligation
Holy Days of Obligation (dates and meanings)
Seasons of the Church Calendar

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