What's New at Saint John's: Faith Formation 2024-2025 Registration Info Available Now ... New Fall Youth PRograms on our YouthMinistry page ... Masses Livestreamed on Sunday at 9:30 on FaceBook and youTube ... Follow us on X (formerly known as twitter) @StJohnChry02132, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube ...

We invite you to join us in worship, in prayer, and in friendship.

Join us for our Sunday Masses and our weekly LiveStream Liturgy on our FaceBook and youTube pages on Sundays at 9:30am. Worship the Lord with us and be enriched by thoughtful homilies, beautiful music, and a welcoming community of faith.

We look forward to meeting you!

Donate to SJC Now Support your parish electronically. You won't need to worry about bringing envelopes or remember to bring your checkbook or cash with you to Mass. You may elect to donate one time or recurring.

What's New at Saint John Chrysostom
Teens, looking for something fun to do this Sunday? Parkway Catholic Youth Ministry More...
Protecting God's Children Training on 10/7/2024 Anyone intending to volunteer at the school, or with children in any capacity on Diocesan property, is mandated to complete child protection training.

There will be a training session at St. Theresa of Avila School on Monday October 7th from 6-9pm.

There will also be a training in Spanish on Tuesday October 22nd - also from 6-9pm.

To attend you must register online beforehand. Please follow the below instructions to register.
Go to www.virtusonline.org
Click on "First Time Registrant"
Click on "View a list of sessions"
Select "Boston MA Archdiocese"
You will find our session under "St. Theresa of Avila West Roxbury"

Please note, you do not have to attend the training at St. Theresa of Avila School. If the time, date or location are not convenient for you, you will find lots of other training sessions on the Virtus website.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Rosetta Mark at: rmark@staboston.org.

Faith Formation 2024-2025 Registration for our collaborative wide faith formation program is now availble. Classes will start on October 6, 2024. More...
Confirmation Update In January 2024, Cardinal Sean O'Malley announced that the Archdiocese of Boston would lower the age of Confirmation for Catholic children from 10th grade to 8th grade, which is around the ages of 13-14. This change is expected to be implemented in local parishes over the next two to three years. More...
Adoration has resumed: Adoration has resumed at both Churches in our collaborative. At Saint John Chrysostom adoration is available on Saturday morning following the 8:30am Mass.
Father Sam Fuller's Ministry Father Sam often tells us stories from his time working on the streets with the unhoused. This article from the Boston Pilot will provide background on that effort. 'Chaplains on the streets' -- Capuchin Mobile Ministries reaches out to homeless
Emergence Respones to State Migrant Crisis In response to Cardinal O'Malley's request in his letter of October 23, 2023, posted here in Cardinal Sean's Blog, there will be a clothing drive in our collaborative parishes for the ongoing needs of migrants in our community. There will be a Saint Vincent de Paul clothing bin in the parking lot at Saint John Chrysostom Parish for donations. Your generous response to this emergency request will be greatly appreciated.
Know Your Numbers! Your Saint John Chrysostom Parish Health Ministry offers monthly blood pressure screenings. However, blood pressure screenings have not yet resumed. They are anticipated to resume soon. If you have concerns about your blood pressure, please contact your primary care provider.

Sr. Maureen Taaffe: It seems that everyone who knew Sister Maureen can tell you a story of how she has made a difference in their lives. Sister Maureen passed away seven years ago. She was the Pastoral Associate here at Saint John's for twenty-five years, quietly steering the ship. She died on August 22, 2016. Sister Maureen was a native of Hyde Park although she belonged to the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, an order from Kentucky. Take a moment and do a good deed to honor all the good deeds Sister Maureen did throughout her life, many of those impacting the people right here at Saint John's.
Sunday's Mass LiveStreamed: We continue to live-stream our Sunday morning 9:30am Mass. Goto our Facebook Page, or our youTube Channel to participate in the current mass or to replay the Masses from preceeding weeks.

Be sure to view our previous Christmas Concert (2020) featuring our Cantors, John, Osmani, and Rena accompanied by Alan on the organ, piano, and guitar. Also in our archive is a video of Father John Carroll leading the stations of the cross.

St John's and St Teresa's Parish have formed a collaborative as of September 1, 2020. Please read this announcement from our pastor, Father John Connolly more...

Need Prayers? Each day we pray for those sick or infirmed in the Parish. If you would like us to pray specifically for someone in need, please write the name of the person in the Parish Book of Intercession in the vestibule of the church or call Saint John's Office at 617-323-4410 ext. 10. We now have an email for you to send us your prayer requests. We have a team of people praying and Father John will include your prayer intentions on the altar at our Live Stream Masses. Send your prayer to prayers@stjohnchrysostom02132.org

Important: For privacy reasons please use First Name Only for people you pray for.

Virtual Christmas Concert: Our Christmas 2020 Concert is available on-line.
Virtual Christmas Concert Announcement 12/20 3pm
Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors: If you would like to become a lector, which simply means that you would read during Masses, or become a eucharistic minister, please contact the parish office.
Project Rachel is a confidential Catholic outreach ministry offering hope and healing to women and men hurting from past abortions. Archdiocese of Boston. For further information call 508-651-3100 or help@projectrachelboston.com or visit the website at projectrachelboston.com

Project Rachel is named after the Old Testament figure Rachel, who weeps inconsolably for her children "who are no more" until God came to her, offering hope for her future. (Jeremiah 31:15-17)

Volunteering at Saint John's Saint John's is blessed with all those who volunteer their time to enrich our parish community. It reflects the generosity, the social commitment and the basic Christianity of our parish family. Thank you to all those who have volunteered in the past. If you are interested in volunteering, please call the parish office to learn more about our current opportunities for volunteers.
Celiac Disease For those with celiac disease, we do have low-gluten hosts. When you come up for communion the priest will have the low gluten hosts in a separate container (pix). Take the host out of the container yourself since the priest has touched the hosts that are not gluten free.
Military If you know of someone on active duty or about to be deployed and would like their name displayed in the vestibule of the church, and included in the parish bulletin, please contact the parish bulletin with the name and service. We will remember them in our prayers.

Our Parish Mission Statement

Saint John Chrysostom Parish is a welcoming, inclusive community of believers in Jesus Christ. We invite all to pray with us. The gifts we bring and the joys we share are influenced by our personal history, religious experiences and orientation, all of who we are. We follow the Gospel message of love through vibrant liturgies which inspire us to act as we come with open hands serving the needs of all peoples.

Welcome to new parishioners!

If you are new in the parish, please stop by and say hello to the celebrant following mass and introduce yourself. Also, visit our office in the parish center or call the parish office (617) 323-4410 EXT. 10 to register with us so we have your name and address. Anyone in our parish who will be moving is also asked to advise us of their new address. Thank you.
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